PERSEUS educational activities presented @ 2nd School Student Conference in Athens
In line with UNESCO's program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the Environmental Education Division of the 1st Directorate of Secondary Education of Athens organised a youth conference for school students.
The title of the Conference is 'Active Citizens' and it aimed to sensitize, inform and engage school students about environmental issues and help them attain a positive outlook on dealing with such issues.
The Conference took place at the cultural centre 'Melina', located at 66 Irakleidon St. & Thessalonikis St. 11851, in Athens, on 25 June 2014.
The day sarted at 9.00 am and it included presentations from the schools that participated in PERSEUS' School Network during this first pilot year as well as various presentations and performances from PERSEUS's friend schools. A small introduction and briefing was given about the PERSEUS@School website as well as the experience of the Andromeda-I cruise by members of the educational activities team.