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My school “voyages” with PERSEUS - Perseus@school network

My school “voyages” with PERSEUS” - PERSEUS@school is an international environmental education school network, supported by the European research project PERSEUS (Policy Oriented Marine Environmental Research in Southern European Seas) which is coordinated by the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR).
The PERSEUS@school network is run by the Department of Environmental Education of the 1st Directorate of Secondary Education of Athens, it is approved by the Greek Ministry of Education and aims to help and enhance environmental education, focusing on clean sea stewardship in schools. Educators, along with marine scientists have a role in supporting and inspiring children to acquire the knowledge, skills and stimulate their awareness to live and work as responsible and concerned citizens.
The network will allow students to use their imagination and knowledge provided by the PERSEUS scientists, in order to think and act about the marine environment and its protection in an interactive, appealing and imaginative way.
In this first pilot year (2013-14), 20 Primary and Secondary schools participatεδ, with a total of 600 students and 40 teachers from the Attica, Achaia and Messenia prefectures (Greece).
This year, the Andromeda II will be held from April 30 - 3 May in Crete, where students from all over Greece will participate in scientific/educational activities to study the marine environment in the Cretan Sea. Starting from the HCMR laboratories and the small oceanographic boat, through experiential activities, students will gain knowledge and skills to foster the implementation of measurements and experiments under real conditions in the marine environment, and will study the organization and operation of the "Thalassokosmos" Aquarium (Crete Aquarium).


  • 01.07.2014

    PERSEUS educational activities presented @ 2nd School Student Conference in Athens
