AMP Toolbox

Develop a mutual understanding and define principles and goals
Based on the identified conditions, this activity comprises the development of a mutual understanding to identify the policy needs and define key principles and the environmental goals. The mutual understanding should consider the different views of the involved parties. Key principles act as a guide throughout the policy design and implementation and reflect intended policy goals (e.g. the ecosystem-based management). Broad environmental goals should be determined for a certain area (e.g. achieve and/or maintain Good Environmental Status). The criteria to determine when policy goals are reached must also be defined, as this will provide a basis to develop measures to address the problem and eventually support how to assess policy outcomes.

Key questions
  • Which are the guiding principles?
  • What are our policy goals and do we meet them?
  • What are the most important issues or gaps?

Key actions
  • Definition of key principles that will act as a guideline throughout the policy design and implementation.
  • Definition of policy goals and the criteria to determine when these goals are achieved.
  • Agreed a common understanding (i.e. consensus) of the issues to be treated among policy makers, experts and stakeholders.

Tools & methods (highlighted tools are linked with more detailed tool descriptions)

Resources dedicated to the Mediterranean and Black Sea´s Marine environment
  • Expectations issued by the stakeholder platforms.