AMP Toolbox
Further Reading for Steps
- Althaus, C., Bridgman, P. and Davis, G., (2007), Appendix 1 “Checklists of policy development”, in The Australian Policy Handbook, Allen & Unwin, Crow's Nest, New South Wales.
- Barry et al., (2013), Ireland’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive Article 19 Report. Initial Assessment, GES and Targets and Indicators.
- Bhadwal, S., Barg, S., Swanson, D., (2009), Automatic policy adjustments, Chapter 5 in: Swanson, D., Bhadwal, S., (Eds), (2009), Creating adaptive policies, a guide for policymaking in an uncertain world, IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
- CIS MSFD, 2014. MSCG _13-2014-04, Programme of measures under MSFD, Recommendations for establishment/implementation and related reporting. Draft, 11 April 2014 Version 11.
- Claussen et al., (2011), Draft Common Understanding of (Initial) Assessment, Determination of Good Environmental Status (GES) & Establishment of Environmental Targets (Articles 8, 9 & 10 MSFD).
- Dobbs, K., Day, J., Skeat, H., Baldwin, J., et al., (2011), “Developing a Long-Term Outlook for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: A Framework for Adaptive Management Reporting Underpinning an Ecosystem-Based Management Approach.” Marine Policy 35 (2): 233–40
- Environmental Law Institute (ELI), (2009), Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management: Implementation Handbook, ELI, Washington, D.C.
- European Commission, 2009, Impact assessment guidelines (Document SEC (2009) 92).
- European Commission, DG Environment, 2010, Working Group on Economic and Social Assessment. Economic and social analysis for the initial assessment for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: a guidance document.
- European Commission, DG EuropeAid, EvaluationTools (Note that the list of tool include some basic tools which are also in the EAF tool box, and provide solid references on them).
- Holling, C. S. (ed.), (1978), Adaptive environmental assessment and management, John Wiley & Sons, London.
- HS Treasury UK, 2011. The Green Book, Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government.
- Directive 2008/56/EC, MFSD, Annex V, Monitoring programmes
- National Research Council, (2004), Adaptive Management for Water Resources Planning, The National Academies Press. Washington, D.C.
- S. Nair, D. Roy, Promoting variation, in: D. Swanson, S. Bhadwal (Eds.), Creating Adaptive Policies: A Guide for Policymaking in an Uncertain World, Sage Publications, New Delhi/IDRC, Ottawa, 2009.
- Swanson, D., Barg, S., Tyler, S., Venemaa, H., Tomar, S., Bhadwal, S., Nair, S., Royal, D., Drexhage, J., (2010), "Seven tools for creating adaptive policies", Technological Forecasting & Social Change, No. 77, Issue 6, 924–939.
- Swanson D. and Tomar, S., (2009), Integrated and Forward-looking Analysis, in Swanson, D., & Bhadwal, S. (Eds.). (2009). Creating adaptive policies: A guide for policymaking in an uncertain world". IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
- Turner et al., (2010), An introduction to socio-economic assessment within a marine strategy framework, 121 pp.
- Williams, B. K., and Brown, E.D., (2012), Adaptive Management: The U.S. Department of the Interior Applications Guide. Adaptive Management Working Group, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
- Williams, B. K., R. C. Szaro, and Shapiro, C.D., (2009), Adaptive Management: The U.S. Department of the Interior Technical Guide. Adaptive Management Working Group, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
- Williams, B.K., Brown, E.D., (2014), Adaptive Management: From More Talk to Real Action. Environmental Management 53, 465–479. doi:10.1007/s00267-013-0205-7.