WP5: Basin-wide promotion of MSFD principles
D5.1: Compilation of reviewed EU marine environmental status assessment
D5.2: Identified gaps on MSFD assessment elements
D5.3:Draft report on assessment elements for MSFD descriptors
D5.4:Report on data compilation for environmental status assessment in non-EU study areas
D5.5: Final version of the assessment elements for promotion of MSFD principles
The first essential step in WP5 was to establish an updated and refined list of environmental risks. In order to do this, the PERSEUS scientific team worked on identifying the gaps in determining the current status of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, in comparison to the 'Good Environmental Status' (GES) according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The PERSEUS Fact Sheet on Science Gaps presents the results of this gap analysis in terms of methodologies, data and knowledge in achieving GES.
The main objective of WP5 is to identify, develop and promote tools and methods to assess environmental status across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea basins with emphasis on non- EU countries, in accordance with the principles and objectives of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), 2008/56/EC.
WP6: Adaptive Policies and Senarios
D6.1: Presentation of the Stakeholder platform
D6.2: Preliminary list of issues at risk of non achievement of the GES and scenarios to be modeled
D6.3: Preliminary report on expectations, needs & feedback of APF end users at sub-basin Pilot Cases & SES levels
D6.4: Inventory and critical assessment of existing foresight analyses and scenario planning
D6.5: Inventory and critical assessment of legal, policy and institutional marine policy contexts in SES
D6.6: Inventory and critical assessment of the possible measures to be taken to achieve GES
D6.7: Report on the conceptual framework of the PERSEUS APF Tool Box
D6.8: Inventory and critical assessment of current economic valuation studies on marine goods and services
D6.9: Specifications of the web Knowledge base on the state of play review
D6.10: Report on the state‐of‐the‐art of the potential principles and methods for the Adaptive Policy Framework Elaboration
D6.11: General documentation of the PERSEUS APF Tool Box
D6.12: Final report on expectations and goals of the end users of the APF, at sub basin Pilot Cases level, feedbacks from the presentation of the APF application
D6.13: AMP report on the experimentations in the four Pilot Cases. Lessons learned, feedbacks and recommendations
D6.14: Reports on the experimentations made at SES basin level
D6.15: Adaptive Policy Framework - Final report on expectations issued by the Southern European Seas (SES) stakeholder platform
D6.16: Synthesis report on the AMP experimentations. Lessons learned, recommendations and perspectives
Scientists are being challenged to define what 'sustainable' means for the Mediterranean and Black Sea. In this respect, an important aspect of PERSEUS's work in this period has been the development of the conceptual framework for the Adaptive Policy Framework (APF) Toolbox specifically for policymakers, presented in the relevant fact sheet. It will provide a set of knowledge and tools to increase the overall capability of policymakers to create policies and a regulatory framework for achieving and maintaining GES.
More information about the APF Toolbox can be found in the relevant Fact Sheet.
All deliverables are uploaded on the restricted-area of the website 'Partner's corner', only accessible by project partners. However, deliverables that are open access to all will be uploaded and clickable in the 'PERSEUS Results' section too. The contact person for further details is the PERSEUS Project Manager.
Important Note: All the information gathered in this Deliverable aims to serve as an overview for scientific purpose and it is based on review of EU countries MSFD draft reports on Articles 8, 9 and 10.