Through a methodological process of gap and impact analyses, PERSEUS has updated and prioritised the main environmental risks in relation to each of the 11 GES descriptors of the MSFD. The new fact sheet produced on the main environmental risks for not achieving GES have been clearly set out by the PERSEUS scientific team.
For a more detailed analysis, please see the relavant Factsheet on Environmental Risks.
Under Cluster 1: New Knowledge, the following deliverables have been produced per WP:
WP1: Pressures and Impacts at Basin and Sub-basin Scale
D1.1: Pressures, processes and impacts on SES open waters ecosystems - Gap analysis on data and knowledge
D1.2: Pressures in the SES open waters in socio-economic terms - Gap Analysis on data and knowledge
D1.3: Baseline analysis of pressures, processes and impacts on Mediterranean and Black Sea ecosystems
D1.4: Assessment of pressures impacting the open sea environment of the WP6 Pilot cases in socio-economic terms
D1.5: Preliminary report on assessment of pressures and processes in the sub-regions of the Med and BS
D1.6: Definition of the Mediterranean eco-regions and maps of potential pressures in these eco-regions
D1.7: Assessment of pressures, processes and impacts on the Mediterranean and Black Sea sub regions
WP2: Pressures and Impacts at coastal level
D2.1: Pressures and their impacts on coastal ecosystems in the SES, Gap Analysis - Preliminary report
D2.2: Preliminary identification of pressures of the coastal seas in socio-economic terms - Gap Analysis on data and knowledge
D2.3: Assessment of pressures impacting the environment of the WP6 Pilot cases in socio-economic terms
D2.4: Environmental and accidental risk assessment of the big ports around the SES
D2.5: Response of pelagic ecosystems to coastal pressures in different subregions of the SES
D2.6: Response of benthic ecosystems under the influence of coastal pressures in different sub-regions of the South European Seas (SES)
D2.7: Impact of pollution (including contaminants, litter and noise) on coastal ecosystems in the SES
D2.8: Impact of Non Indigenous Species on coastal ecosystems in the Southern European Seas
D2.9: Assessment of coastal pressures in the MSFD sub-regions of the SES
All deliverables are uploaded on the restricted-area of the website 'Partner's corner', only accessible by project partners. However, deliverables that are open access to all will be uploaded and clickable in the 'PERSEUS Results' section too. The contact person for further details is the PERSEUS Project Manager.
Results for WP1 & WP2: New Knowledge Cluster