Results for Cluster 4: Engaged Stakeholders & Citizens

Under Cluster 4: Engaged Stakeholders & Citizens, the follwoing deliverables have been produced per WP:

WP8: Training and Capacity Building
D8.1: Framework for the Implementation of Training and Capacity Building
D8.2: Final report on Summer Schools
D8.3: Final report on training courses
D8.4: Final report on training visits scheme

WP9: Communication, Outreach & Information Management
D9.1: PERSEUS Communication Strategy
D9.2: PERSEUS website online
D9.3: JellyWatch & Marine Litter "campaigns" online
D9.4: Issues Paper for Policy-makers on the "Clean Seas Guide"
D9.5: AMP Tool Box web based interface
D9.6: Web GIS tool online
D9.7: Online generation of PERSEUS standalone databases
D9.8: Clean Seas Communication & Outreach Best Practice Guide
D9.9: Inventory oceanographic data assembled in the PERSEUS multidisciplinary database
D9.10: Policy Brief

WP10: Project Management

D10.1: 1st reporting period progress reports to EC
D10.2: Umbrella Workshop Report
D10.3: 2nd reporting period progress report to EC

All deliverables are uploaded on the restricted-area of the website 'Partner's corner', only accessible by project partners. However, deliverables that are open access to all will be uploaded and clickable in the 'PERSEUS Results' section too. The contact person for further details is the PERSEUS Project Manager.