HCMR Workshop on Policy Tools for Marine Governance- Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox

A Workshop is organized by PERSEUS in order to launch the new Adaptive Marine Policy toolbox in its web-based version and test it with assistance of HCMR scientists.

The AMP toolbox aims at assisting decision-makers, planners, policy analysts, NGOs and interested individuals in formulating, dissecting and synthesizing policy measures for addressing marine issues and topics. The workshop will provide to the participating HCMR scientists the opportunity to work hands-on with the AMP, test it and familiarize themselves with its structure and potential uses.

Venue: HCMR
Building, Anavyssos, Greece
Date: Thursday, 23rd October 2014
Contact: Dr. Barbara Zanou (bzanou@hcmr.gr) or Prof. Areti Kontogianni (akontogianni@uowm.gr)