The Vision workshop took place in Athens, Greece on 13-15 May 2013.
The project already has developed concrete‚ products such as Principles and the Vision for harnessing RD4SD, initial ideas for an interactive web tool for programme management, and the idea of a European Competence Centre for RD4SD.
During the workshop in Athens these products were tested, further developed and/or finalized for presentation to potential users including the European Commission. The workshop offered a great chance to once again provide input and change the course of future funding policies in research and development for sustainable development.
The workshop started with a keynote lecture and dinner on 13 May at 18.00 and ended on 15 May with lunch. The worskhop was held at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR).
For more information, please visit
VISION RD4SD Workshop, Athens, Greece