PERSEUS@ Black Sea Day Celebration in Turkey
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PERSEUS actively participated in the Celebration of the Black Sea Day on 3rd November 2014 in Istanbul.

The scope of the PERSEUS Project was presented during the early afternoon to the 13 high level officials from the Black Sea countries and about 25 guests and observers). EMBLAS, MISIS and IRIS-SES project were also presented.

After the project presentations, PERSEUS had a 2 hour workshop with the delegations, guest and observers on the Adaptive Marine Policy ToolBox (AMP- Toolbox). This tool has been especially developed to assist marine environmental policymakers to achieve or maintain GES (Good Environmental Status) of coastal and marine ecosystems in the SES. The meeting was considered to be a first real trial of the toolbox that the Project is preparing at the basin scale for the Black Sea.

The Coordinator, Vangelis Papathanassiou presented the PERSEUS Project while Prof. Mihalis Skourtos made the on-line presentation of the AMP-Toolbox, together with Mrs. Emily Koulouvaris. Prof Skourtos was also the facilitator of the lively and interactive discussion with the Commissioners and guests.

PERSEUS scientists Nikos Streftaris, Margaretha Breil (CMCC), Areti Kontoyanni (AEGEAN), Maialen Garmendia (BC3), David March Mola (CSIC), Emma Gileva (BSNN), Julien le Tellier (PB) participated in the this meeting and helped in the discussion that followed the delegations to upload their opinion on the feedback questionnaire that has been especially developed for this reason in order to help develop the tool further.