Regional Stakeholder Workshop Split, Croatia: “Towards a Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins”

PERSEUS organises the first of a five Regional Stakeholder Workshop series in Split, Croatia on the 5 and 6 May 2015.

The workshop Towards a Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins”, aims at informing about the PERSEUS project and providing a close interaction with regional authorities and scientists. Among its goals is to create a platform for the establishment of effective regional cooperation in management of the marine ecosystem, within the PERSEUS initiation of promoting Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s (MSFD) principles in non-EU countries under the EcAp approach. 

The workshop has four key objectives:

The workshop will take place at Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries premises in Split.   

Participation to the workshop is by invitation only. The registration process is now open until 01-05-2015. Please register here

For any further information on the workshop, you can contact: 
Mrs. Daniela Vasile, National Institute of Marine Geology and GeoEcology GEOECOMAR, Tel:+ 40 21 252.23.94; e-mail: