PERSEUS organises the first of a five Regional Stakeholder Workshop series in Split, Croatia on the 5 and 6 May 2015.
The workshop “Towards a Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins”, aims at informing about the PERSEUS project and providing a close interaction with regional authorities and scientists. Among its goals is to create a platform for the establishment of effective regional cooperation in management of the marine ecosystem, within the PERSEUS initiation of promoting Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s (MSFD) principles in non-EU countries under the EcAp approach.
The workshop has four key objectives:
- To address environmental pressures and impacts in each area and discuss PERSEUS’ contribution
- To present and discuss PERSEUS project tools and outcomes
- To highlight the need for local-regional-interregional harmonization of environmental status assessments
- To improve ecosystem-based management between neighbouring countries sharing marine basins
The workshop will take place at Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries premises in Split.
Participation to the workshop is by invitation only. The registration process is now open until 01-05-2015. Please register here
For any further information on the workshop, you can contact: