
Dr. Nicola Beaumont, Environmental Economist whose main research focus is on the valuation of marine biodiversity and marine ecosystem goods and services using both monetary and non-monetary techniques. She has experience in the assessment and valuation of marine ecosystem goods and services, stakeholder analysis, multi criteria analysis, decision support systems, and the communication of science to policy-makers and stakeholders. Current relevant projects include acting as the lead author of the marine economics chapter of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment, and undertaking a valuation of Plymouth Sound through Theme 6 of Oceans 2025.

Dr. Caroline Hattam, Environmental Economist focusing on the valuation of marine ecosystem goods and services using both monetary and non-monetary techniques. Her research interests also include understanding how people value the environment, stakeholder engagement and deliberative approaches to valuation, and the communication of science to policy-makers and stakeholders. She is working on a valuation of Plymouth Sound through Oceans 2025 and the marine ecosystems and economics chapters of the National Ecosystem Assessment.

Dr. Stephen Mangi, Environmental Economist focusing in marine biodiversity valuation and fisheries economics research aimed at developing decision support tools. He has extensive research experience in socioeconomics of marine biodiversity and has contributed to several economic valuation studies undertaken by PML, including a report for DEFRA on the economic valuation of UK marine biodiversity; a review of the direction, challenges and opportunities presented by current research on the valuation of biodiversity by NERC Research and Collaborative Centres; and a review on how to implement the ecosystem approach.