European litter prevention network launched

Brussels: Speaking at the launch of a new European litter prevention network, Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment, has highlighted the need to meet the challenge posed by rubbish to the environment.
The new Clean Europe Network brings together stakeholders to actively tackle litter throughout Europe, sharing tools and solutions on the issue. The Commission is currently preparing a green paper on a ‘European strategy on plastic waste in the environment’; something it is hoped will help share solutions on the problem of refuse.While the prevention of littering is the responsibility of member states, the Commission sets the framework and objectives to be achieved at the European level.
The Commissioner urged industry to become part of the solution and also drew attention to the potential that proper management of such waste can have in greening the economy.
Speaking at the launch event, Potočnik commented: “I encourage you to spread best practices through your network. Making best practice systematically and proactively available to others has a huge potential to make fast progress in the fight against littering.” (Article's Source)