The Advisory Board gives the external support of PERSEUS. The members are highly qualified experts and prominent researchers with experience in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the world ocean, with no direct links to PERSEUS. The Advisory Board provides the external evaluation of the project and acts as an overseer ensuring that all efforts are directed to the assigned objectives and that the integrated nature of the project is respected and applied in a coordinated and productive manner.
The members of the PERSEUS Advisory board are:
PERSEUS AB Chairperson
Prof. Fokion Vosniakos
President of Balkan Environmental Association-BENA
Prof. Frederic Briand
General Director at The Mediterranean Science Commission, CIESM
Dr. Trine Christiansen
Project Manager at European Environmental Agency, EEA
Dr. Habib El-Habr
Deputy Coordinator, Coordinating Unit MAP-MEDU, UNEP/MAP
Dr. Henri Farrugio
Chairman of the Scientific Committee at General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, GFCM
Ms. Tatjana Hema
MED POL Programme Officer, UNEP/MAP
Dr. Paolo Lombardi
Director at WWF Med Programme Office
Dr. Niall McDonough
Executive Scientific Secretary, Marine Board-ESF
Mr. Michail Papadoyannakis
Policy Officer Mediterranean and Black Sea, Marine Unit D.2 DG ENV
Prof. Halil Ibrahim Sur
Executive secretary, Black Sea Commission, BSC
Dr. Luis Valdes Santurio
Head of Ocean Science Section, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, IOC
Ms. Anita Vella
Policy Officer, DG MARE
Advisory Board