PERSEUS participates in the 2nd Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) Coordination Group meeting in Athens

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Coordination Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) is organising the 2nd Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) Coordination Group meeting in Athens on 24 April 2013.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss:

PERSEUS has been invited to participate in this meeting and to collaborate in the review and commenting on the first draft list of GES descriptors and targets. PERSEUS has recently completed its study of the experience of EU countries in the framework of the MSFD Initial Assessment and GES definition, with a view to sharing this knowledge with non-EU countries. On the basis of available information, an analysis has been produced, which considers the descriptor scope, the methodologies, the data availability as well as the information available for each country at criteria and indicator level.

A first deliverable “Compilation of reviewed EU marine environmental status assessment” has been produced in this respect can be found under the PERSEUS Results section of the website.