PERSEUS organises the ‘PERSEUS Summer School of 2015’ and invites policy- makers, scientific and policy advisors of the UNEP/MAP Monitoring Correspondence Group (CORMON Group) to participate.
The purpose of the Summer School is to assist countries, to develop, design and implement an effective monitoring (both in terms of science and cost) for the needs of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and UNEP Ecosystem Approach (EcAp).
The Summer School will provide a platform for examples and tools from more advanced plans focusing on non EU countries. The aim is to ‘assist’ non EU countries to harmonize their efforts, learn from past experience and join efforts in developing joint monitoring schemes across the Mediterranean.
The PERSEUS Summer School of 2015 will take place at the HCMR's premises, in Anavyssos.
The Summer School Programme is now available.
PERSEUS Summer School on "Supporting Monitoring in the Mediterranean towards GES”, Athens, Greece