The Interactive Stakeholders Session “Blue Growth for Green Cities: Documenting Anthropogenic Impacts and suggesting Policy Options”, organized by PERSEUS within the “International Congress on Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Societies / Cities (GreInSus)” (Izmir, 8-10 May 2014), explored the relation of Marine Litter and Tourism as threats towards achieving Clean Seas by 2020, which is the project's main objective.
Participants reached a consensus on the best design options and solutions through negotiations and voting, once they had identified and agreed upon the main barriers posed by ‘Tourism’ to achieving ‘Clean Seas’ by 2020 and a sustainable marine ecosystem.
The results of the interactive session were then submitted to the Conference organisers to be announced at the closing ceremony. The final declaration, now called the 'PERSEUS Message from IZMIR', has been finalised with the consent and approval of all participants.
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