First PERSEUS WP5 Stakeholder Workshop in Croatia
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During the 5th and 6th of May 2015, the first of a series of five regional Stakeholders’ Workshops foreseen under the FP7 PERSEUS project WP5: “Basin-Wide Promotion of the MSFD principles”, has been held in Split, Croatia, at the headquarters of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries.

This Workshop series is entitled: “Towards a Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins” and one of its main goals is to create a platform for the establishment of effective regional cooperation between EU and non-EU countries for the management of the marine ecosystem, under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the EcAp approach.

The participants (35) were representatives of governmental bodies and scientists from Academia from both EU and Non EU Countries (Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina), as well as the Mediterranean RSC (PAP/RAC).

The discussions were productive and emphasized the need for networking and collaboration among Adriatic countries; setting common policy agreements with the aim to achieve good environmental status and joint monitoring programmes to evaluate progress towards this direction were among the key outcomes.

Related Documents
Workshop Agenda 
List of Participants