PERSEUS, in collaboration with the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA), is pleased to announce an Art Contest for ASFA graduates of the last 6 years, on the subject ‘Images of the sea’, with the aim to raise awareness on maintaining clean seas in southern Europe.
The deadline for project submissions is 16 December. Thereafter, an Evaluation Committee representing both ASFA and PERSEUS will select the three winning projects, which will be awarded a trip on one of the PERSEUS oceanographic cruises.
The winning entries will remain the property of HCMR and PERSEUS will present the works during its final conference in Brussels.
All works will be presented in an exhibition in January 2014, which will take place during the PERSEUS General Assembly meeting, where the award ceremony will also take place.
All information regarding the contest is available in Greek at the following link.
The PERSEUS Fine Art Contest is Announced!
PERSEUS & Athens School of Fine Arts Contest begins in October 2013