
Jean-Francois Cadiou, Head of “Tools for assessment and preservation of coastal seas” program, which manages IFREMER activities in SPICOSA, PEGASO projects and MSFD expertise for the French Ministry of the Environment.

Verena Trenkel, Researcher in the field of indicator approach to fisheries management, involved in Fisboat, Deepfishman, FACTS, EURO-BASIN EU projects.

Jacek Tronczynski, (biogeochemistry of organic contaminants in the marine environment), co-chairman of Marine Chemistry Working Group (MCWG) of ICES and a member of the MSFD expert task group/descriptor 8. Further involved in Thresholds EU project and leader of the COSTAS project.

Francois Galgani, Ecotoxicologist, expert in marine litter and pollution. He has been involved in European and international groups (ICES-WGBEC, MEDPOL, ASMO, EEC) and was chair of the MSFD task group 10 on marine litter.

Sylvie Pouliquen, Head of the Coriolis project, coordinator of MyOcean insitute TAC. Co-chair of the Argo and OceanSites Data Management committees.

Ivane Pairaud, coordinates the METROC national project on chemical contaminant inputs from Marseilles city and MESURHO buoy project.

Francois Le Loch, Researcher in IRD-IFREMER joint research unit, end-to-end modelling, fisheries.

Marc Nokin, Head of “Research vessels and Onboard Equipment” department, leader of the Eurofleets “Up to date software to facilitate trans-national access” work package.