
Dr. Javier Ruiz, Senior Scientist, 20 years experience in oceanography and modelling of the pelagic ecosystem. He has lead and participated in many projects funded by regional, national and international bodies, including Steering Committee membership of EUROCEANS NoE and SESAME IP. He has been involved in the management of the Marine Research of the Ministry for Education and Science and is Technical Advisor of the Natural Resources Board at the CSIC. He has supervised four PhD students and two MSc theses. He has published more than 30 scientific papers in journals such as Nature, PNAS or PLoS ONE.

Dr. I. Emma Huertas, tenured Scientist with over 12 years experience in marine biogeochemistry, primary production, and ocean carbon. She has published over 25 research papers and is the scientific responsible of the (FP6 CARBOOCEAN IP project) station GIFT at the Strait of Gibraltar, to assess the biogeochemical exchanges of the Mediterranean with the world ocean. She has participated in more than 15 European and Spanish research projects and is a member of the Executive Board of ICOS and associated coordinator of the Spanish Agency for Evaluation and Foresight (ANEP).

Prof. Joaquin Tintore, Research Professor with over 25 years experience in physical oceanography and more than 80 research papers. PI in 28 and coordinator of two EU research projects. Member of the editorial board of several international Journals and National Spanish Research Award in 2003. Present director of SOCIB and previous director of IMEDEA, Vice-Chairman of the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation, coordinator of the Natural resources Scientific Area of CSIC (involving 21 institutes and over 1.700 research personnel) and Manager of the first MAST Programme of the Spanish National Research Plan.

Prof. Beatriz Morales-Nin, Research Professor with over 30 years experience in fish biology, population dynamics and recruitment. She has authored or co-authored over 110 SCI publications, 15 books or book chapters and directed 10 Ph.D. theses. She has been manager of the Spanish National Program on Marine Sicences and has been involved in numerous national and European projects aimed at understanding and predicting fish population dynamics.

Dr. Pere Puig, CSIC Scientific Researcher at the ICM with more than 15 years of experience studying contemporary sedimentary dynamics in the marine environment, with special interest in off-shelf transport processes through submarine canyons, geological oceanography and environmental geology. He has participated in 28 research projects (in 6 of these as Principal Investigator), has supervised 2 Ph.D. theses and has co-authored 4 book chapters and 76 scientific papers, 68 of them published in SCI journals, including Nature, Global Biogeochemical Cycles and PLoS ONE.

Dr. Cinta Porte, Research Professor with 20 years of experience in Ecotoxicology and Biochemical biomarkers. She has participated in numerous European projects such as COMPRENDO to analyse the endocrine disruption of marine organisms and the metabolic routes of contaminants.

Dr. Isabel Palomera, Senior Scientist, More than 30 years of experience in marine biology research with especial interest in small pelagic fish ecology, from early stages to adults, and on ecosystem functioning as an approach to fishery management. She has participated in many projects being Responsible CSIC Scientist in 7 EU projects (2 as coordinator) and 9 national funded projects. She has leaded the Department of Renewable Marine Resources of the ICM during 7 years. She has been supervisor of 7 PhD theses and co-author of 6 book chapters and 65 scientific papers, most of them in SCI journals.