
Prof. Georgy Shapiro, Team leader for UoP in FP6 SESAME (water column properties and climatic changes in relation to carbon sequestration in the Black sea, process studies, supervision of socio-economic research for WP7), FP7 MyOcean (Black sea modelling), more than 100 publications, expertise in physical oceanography, dispersion of pollution, linkage with ecosystem research.

Dr. Jingjing Xu, Expert in Maritime Law and Economics.
Research into the law, policy and economics of marine and maritime affairs with a special focus on ship-generated pollution and maritime safety and security. Associate Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, a member of the Nautical Institute and various maritime law associations.

Prof. Dongping Song, Expert in international logistics,
shipping activity modelling and empirical data analysis, environmental impact of international shipping; has been involved in UK funded research to help government and industries make decisions.

Prof. Michael Roe, Expert in maritime policy
and its application to the natural and social environment. Research on a pan-European level to develop improved policy-making structures and governance frameworks for the shipping and ports sector with clear ramifications for effective social and environmental policies.

Capt. Robert Hone, Academic staff at UoP.
Expert in environmental regulations and their practical implementations dealing with Ships Ballast requirements and the disposal of ship generated waste, including the avoidance of oil pollution. One of the first Carnival Corporation Environmental Officers – with the task of setting up and monitoring all the Carnival Cruise line ships, for worldwide and USCG environmental compliance. Environmental Officer on Caronia Queen Elizabeth 2, experience in working in the Med and Black Seas.